Sir, Feeling has been running high in Peterhead during the past week over the farcical proceedings in connection with this Scottish Cup tie. Whatever may be the merits of the case, there is general agreement that money is at the bottom of the regrettable situation that has arisen. As Mr R. G. Campbell, the Rangers' ex-captain, said at a public meeting in Aberdeen the other day, "there is too much dividend, bonus, remuneration, and coupon in football nowadays," and the proceedings in connection with this Cup tie are a striking confirmation of Mr Campbell's warning. Neither of the clubs concerned in the tie is to be complimented on the way in which they have conducted the negotiations; it has been a sordid affair so far as that is concerned from beginning to end, and the conditions under which the match was played on Saturday seemed to many sportsmen a fitting reward for their efforts. It is said that Buchan, the Peterhead goalkeeper, from the very start of the negotiations, took up the attitude that he would not go to Aberdeen to play the tie even if he were offered the whole guarantee of £250. One can understand this sportsmanlike attitude, and I think it is a pity the other members of the team did not adopt it, instead of demanding their pound of flesh in the shape of a £10 bonus. If they had done so no one could have said a word against them, as they were not consulted by the directors as to whether they were willing to go to Aberdeen or not. While that is so, the general feeling in Peterhead seems to to be one of hostility to the directors for selling the right of ground to Aberdeen, and that hostility is all the greater owing to the fact that it was at first given out that the tie would played at Peterhead. The negotiations and explanations by the directors, which resulted in the tie being played at Aberdeen, have only served to emphasise the fact that money and not sport is the most important factor in the management of the club.
Another element that has caused considerable indignation in Peterhead among shopkeepers and others is the fact that if the tie had been played at Peterhead it would have brought a considerable amount of money into the town, whereas the transferance to Aberdeen took a lot of money out of the town. This may appear to be a somewhat selfish attitude on the part of shopkeepers, refreshment room keepers, hotel keepers, public-house keepers, and others, but when it is pointed out that it has been customary for those people to close their places of business for gala days got up to raise funds for Recreation Parktheir Indignation can be more readily understood - especially when Peterhead is going through such a period of depression as it is at present. It will be interesting to watch what effect this rumpus will have on the attitude of shopkeepers and others as to closing when another gala day comes round, and on the supporters of the team which has carried the club into the third round of the Scottish Cup ties. One hears on every hand that the club is bound to suffer, but we had better "wait and see". A more serious situation will be created if the Aberdeen club, as stated in the press, report the Peterhead club to the Scottish Football Association for playing certain men who were ineligible. I have an impression that if this is done the Association will order an enquiry to be held in regard to the whole matter, and if the inquiry results in the Association making it unlawful in future for a club to sell its ground rights, this unfortunate affair will have done something for the good of football and for the cleansing of sport in general. Yours etc, VERITAS VINCIT
Source : Aberdeen Press and Journal Tuesday February 13th, 1923