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Aberdeen reserves had a well-merited Scottish Alliance win at Brockville on Saturday, when they easily outclassed Falkirk A, and ended up by beating them by 2-0.
In the first half they had to work hard to get on the lead, but ultimately Grand beat McGovern with a perplexing shot which ricocheted from the one post to the other before finally finding the net. At the cross-over Aberdeen still held the lead, and never looked like losing it. After thirty minutes in the second portion Fisher made siccar from a penalty kick. Falkirk were also granted a penalty in this half, and Lawrie made a brilliant, even spectacular, save.
The great forcing work of the Aberdeen halves told its own tale, and their forwards had opportunity to shine. Lees was splendid at centre-half, and Fisher was an admirable leader of the attack. Watt and Mackie were outstanding with clever work.