Seldom have Aberdeen been so completely out of a game. The half backs never succeeded in subduing the opposing inside forwards, and the result was that the backs were often caught out of position. The Pittodrie defence was bad, but the forwards, too, took little credit from the game. They attempted to play football, but they never succeeded. The Hibs defence was sound and active and the fact that the combination of the Aberdeen attack was poor made their task considerably easier. It was the poorest display the Dons have given for many a long day. To compare the Dons with Hibs is to compare a racehorse with a Clydesdale. Aberdeen lost as many goals in game as they had done in the previous eight played. Despite their good record the defence has not been satisfactory this season, and if the Pittodrie officials had any remaining doubts in regard to this matter they must have been set at rest on Saturday. The defence badly needs strengthening. Hibs laid the foundation for victory in the first eleven minutes when they scored three goals. The Dons never recovered from these early blows and played like a beaten team. Milne was the spearhead of the Edinburgh attack and it was he who started the goal avalanche in three minutes. Gathering a forward pass from Fraser the centre was tackled by Nicholson. He emerged with the ball and cutting out the left found the corner of the net with grand shot-. In six minutes came a second goal. Milne, Finnigan, and McIntyre engineered the movement. The winger swept the ball across to the centre and Graham in attempting to save a score succeeded only in helping the ball into the net. Five minutes later McIntyre led another Hibs attack that led to a goal. The ball came over to Keane on the left and the inside forward beat Nicholson in the tackle and ran on to give Johnstone no chance. With thirteen minutes played the homesters were four up. McIntyre raced down the right, grassed Adey, and delivered a hard shot. Johnstone pushed the ball out, but the winger followed up quickly to regain possession and send into the net. The only counter of the second half came fifteen minutes after the start. Adey failed to stop McIntyre and the winger ran on to get the ball across for Milne to head into the net. Although beaten five times, Johnstone was the one member of the Aberdeen defence who inspired confidence. Graham was the better back, but he was by no means brilliant. He was handicapped by an injury in the second half. Adey could make little of McIntyre. His positional play was poor, and when he was beaten in the tackle he had no recovery. The fact that Thomson had bad game did not make the left back's task any easier. Thomson could not hold Finnigan, and more often than not his passes found an opponent instead of a team-mate. Nicholson has seldom been seen to less advantage since he came to Pittodrie. Time and again he was outmanoeuvred by Milne. Dunlop played hard, but he found the task of watching Keane more than enough and gave his forwards little assistance.POOR COMBINATION
Aberdeen attack failed to settle down and did not impress as a match-winning combination. Armstrong was a hardworking leader, but suffered from lack of support. He wandered in an effort to shake off the attentions of Miller, but met with little success. Hamilton was very disappointing. In his early games this season he excelled in passing the ball, but against Hibs his distribution was poor. McKenzie was energetic enough, but was never dangerous, and neither of the wingers gave the Hibs defence much trouble. Williams was clever, but not thrustful enough, while Smith, although he showed speed and good ball control, was lacking in enterprise. Hibs have a young and enthusiastic team and they deserve all credit for their splendid display against the Dons. Their defence was never in difficulties. Kerr in goal had little to do. and Logan and Prior had the measure of the Aberdeen wing men. Fraser was a clever wing half and Miller a solid and reliable centre-half. Although Milne was the star in attack, there Was not a weak link in the line. The centre was fast and clever on the ball and was continual menace. McIntyre and Finnigan on the right struck up a splendid partnership, and it was from this quarter that much of the danger came. Keane was a smart inside left.Source: Press & Journal, 26th September 1938