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make a donation

The Aberdeen Football Club Heritage Trust is working hard towards building a collection that everyone who follows the Club can be proud of. It is not just a collection of artefacts and ephemera but of information - stories about supporters, players and communities with a connection to Aberdeen FC. The success of the Trust, which is independent of the Club, will come as a result of the efforts of many people and you can help.

Although funding will be tremendously important and donations of cash, hopefully supported by Gift Aid, will be very welcome, there are other ways that you can donate so please try and help make the Aberdeen story the best that it possibly can be.


With ambitious plans to create a museum and learning centre so that you can see the Aberdeen Collection to best effect, we are going to have to work hard to find the money to make sure that it all comes about. You can help by making a cash donation. We will be grateful to have whatever sum you feel that you can manage.

Donations can be by PayPal:

or by Cheque or Postal order payable to the Aberdeen FC Heritage Trust and sent to: Aberdeen Football Club Heritage Trust, Pittodrie Stadium, Pittodrie Street, Aberdeen AB24 5QH

If you are a British tax payer, you can help us to raise even more for the Trust by adding Gift Aid - the simplest way to do this is through Just Giving which can bring an added benefit to the Trust of an additional 25% in Gift Aid (so every £10 donated becomes £12:50).


We know for sure that there are many unusual artefacts out and about - especially in the Northeast of Scotland - that are not already represented in The Aberdeen Collection and that would be great additions. If you have an unusual or interesting item of memorabilia that you would like to donate or an unwanted collection of programmes or some unusual photographs of supporters, players or matches, in fact pretty much anything Dons' related that you think would be of help to the Trust in building a top class collection then we would be glad to hear from you.

It may be that you have something that you would be willing to give as a long term load to the Trust that eventually would return to your personal collection or to your family. If this is the case please get in touch and we can make arrangements for this to happen.

Duplicate items would also be of use to help with fundraising activities by the Trust. Whatever you can do to help us with this will be appreciated, after all, each of us is a part of football heritage.


If you have stories about your adventures as a Dons' fan or your family's experiences as supporters, about the trials and tribulations of travelling to away games, the dodgy catering or top quality hosteries, or about players or any other aspect of the Club, or if you already have a fully written up account of the history of your Supporter's Club then we would love to be able to hear from you and share it with the wider Dons' community.


If you have special skills that might be of help to the Trust or you would like to research a particular part of the history then we would like to hear from you. It might be that you have a family story to write up or perhaps the history of your Aberdeen Supporters' Club. It may be that you are in a position to interview a past player about his time playing for the Dons. Whatever it is, please share your thoughts with us and we can agree how best your interest will fit.

Next Match
14 Sep 2024 / 15:00 / Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen